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The Organizing Committee of Baikal Nordic Games Festival "Winteriada - 2004" expresses it's thanks to general sponsors:
Video Presentation
Open Paintball Championship “Baikal Winter Cup”
In March 22, Paintball Cup had been started at "Trud" stadium in Irkutsk. The competitions lasted for two days — the first one for novice and another one for professional paintball teams from all over Russia. Nikolay Sobolev, coordinator of Russian Paintball Championship, refereed the games.
Each team consists of three persons. They shoot people on another team from special paintball guns. The gun fires pellets made of thin gelatin shell with a water soluble paint inside. The paint pellets fly with a very high speed and break upon impact when hit a person or a ground.
According to paintball rules the one shot and marked with paint is considered dead and has to go out of the field. The main task is not only shooting another team but also capturing a flag hung at the middle of the playground. Teams have got only 5 minutes to do this. A team receives 8 points per opposite player shot and 2 points per each member of the team survived. Flag capture adds 20 points and placing it over another team's “home base” gives 50 more points.
Alexander Kipichenko, director of Irkutsk paintball club “Combat”, told that the game became popular in Irkutsk about a year ago. Then “Combat” paintball team had been organized. And since that time it had been winning in a number of paintball competitions.
Three teams qualified for the final on the first day. Ultimately, “ZBK” team ranked first, “Barracuda” team was second and “Save” was the third place winners. The teams received medals and cups.
Professional paintball teams played in March 23. “Zolotaya korona” (Golden crown) from Yekaterinburg ranked first, “Gorynichi” (Yekaterinburg) was second and “Zelenye Bratia” (Green Brothers) from Mezhdurechensk got third place. The winners were presented medals and money prizes, the first place winner received Baikal Winter Cup.
Press centre of Winteriada
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