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The Organizing Committee of Baikal Nordic Games Festival "Winteriada - 2004" expresses it's thanks to general sponsors:
Video Presentation
19 March 2004 "Winteriada-2004" – 2nd International Baikal Nordic Games Festival
During the final press-conference Larissa Zabrodskaya, vice-head of Irkutsk region administration, informed that over 2 400 sportsmen participated in this year "Winteriada" Nordic Games festival. Participants attended from 17 different regions of Russia (including Altai, Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Chelyabinsk and Chita regions). Festival also hosted participants from other countries. These are Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Mongolia, France and Japan. Total number of festival’s spectators reached 22 thousand people.
Larissa Zabrodskaya told that total expenses spent for festival organization amounted to 4 million rubles. Half of this amount was provided from regional budget and the rest was granted by sponsor organizations. This year over 30 sport events and expeditions had been held during the festival. Only the most interesting ones will form next year festival’s calendar. Organizing committee plans to attract participants from other cities all over Russia for ice sculpture contest which was held within the festival for the fist time. Festival participants and guests will have a chance to play ice-golf right on Baikal ice surface during the next festival. For the first time in our region snowball fight championship will be organized. Larissa Zabrodskaya stressed that next year they expect even more participants and spectators at International Baikal Nordic Games Festival.
Press centre of Winteriada
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