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The Organizing Committee of Baikal Nordic Games Festival "Winteriada - 2004" expresses it's thanks to general sponsors:
Video Presentation
1st International “Winteriada–2003” — Baikal Nordic Games Festival Organization Committee Held Closing Press Conference
1st International “Winteriada–2003” — Baikal Nordic Games Festival attracted 600 sportsmen from Russia, Commonwealth of Independent States and other countries and over 10 000 spectators. The festival program included 11 sport events and competitions held from March 8 to April 5. This had been a sound event for Irkutsk region and Russia as a whole. At the closing press conference in April 5 Alexander Rudik, the organization committee co-chairman, indicated that this kind of festival had never been organized anywhere else in Russia. Valery Kuzin, first vice-president of Russia’s Olympic Committee, State Duma deputy, also stressed that this was a unique festival. He considered the first experience of winter 2003 to be a success.
Valery Kuzin assured of Olympic Committee’s and State Duma’s patronage and support for the festival. He also presented to Alexander Rudik “the best and extremely expensive photo album” on behalf of Olympic committee and a report on the recent expedition “Antarctica–2003” from him personally. After that Roman Ishenko, chair of Siberian Baikal Tourism Association, told about plans for the forthcoming year. He indicated that the organization committee would have to analyze thoroughly the results of the festival and start planning for next year's “Winteriada”. It was important to review the concept of the festival he also noted. The organization committee set two goals for the festival. Those were promotion of sports and development of tourism in the region. Roman Ishenko stressed that it was very important to attract attention to “Winteriada” of a wide public from abroad. He noticed then that this would be hard to manage if the war in Iraq proceeded. Ishenko also added that this would take several years for this kind of festival to rise to higher levels. "The festival would take the full effect in three years" – he mentioned.
Then Alexander Krupsky, chief arbiter of the games, chair of Irkutsk Regional Committee for Sports and Physical Culture, told that Downhill Skiing Cup was the most significant event within “Winteriada–2003”. The cup drew over 500 people of 10 to 65-year-old. “We should include the Baikal Downhill Skiing Cup into Olympic program so that the participants could get credits for it — emphasized Alexander Krupsky — We’ve got hills no one went down-skiing yet but which could possibly become a world’s famous skiing centers.”
Chief arbiter also informed that there would be a greater variety of sports in the festival program next year. Though most of the participants were amateurs — high-class professional sportsman did not attend the festival this year — some records had been set up. A unique ski marathon took place during “Winterniada” — racers cross-country skied 110 kilometers across the Khamar-Daban Mountain range. Ruslan Bocharov (Krasnoyarsk) ranked first with the result of 7 hours 56 minutes 40 seconds, which was an absolute record at this trail. The organization committee applied to Russia’s Record Book for registering this achievement.
Later on Pavel Smolin, a participant of “Wintriada–2003”, told of his husky dog sledding trip around Olkhon Island. Journalists from Ural television company who had followed him were going to make a documentary “Fairy-tale of winter Baikal” about the trip. Pavel Smolin was confident that we just had to keep raising and training husky here in Irkutsk region. Though dog sledding is very popular all over the world dog sled races are held only in Moscow and Kamchatka. “This would be great to have a dog sled marathon at lake Baikal” – Pavel added.
The head of Sludyanka settlement Vasily Saikov told that “Winderiada” was a great incentive for winter sports development at Sludyanka. There are lots of people in public schools and companies who are willing to play winter sports. He wished Sludyanka settlement would become a winter sport capital of Irkutsk region. A number of new tourist and sport camps are to be constructed at this area shortly.
And finally, Alexander Rudik expressed his gratitude to stuff of Irkutsk Regional Detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, rescuers from Baikal Detachment of the Ministry for Emergency Situations and representatives of other organizations who supported “Winteriada–2003”. Special thanks were extended to representatives of Baikal Pulp & Paper Plant, Ilim Pulp Enterprise and Continental Management timber company for their sponsorship. They in turn assured of their willingness for further cooperation and support in carrying out sporting events in Irkutsk region.
Press centre of Winteriada
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